Friday, December 31, 2010


Here are some pictures of our Christmas celebration! We made sugar cookies and decorated them for Santa on Christmas Eve.
Jaron and Jenna got new matching pajama's on Christmas Eve.
Later that evening, I made peppermint popcorn and we watched "A Christmas Carol".
Christmas morning, Santa brought Jaron and Jenna some presents. This is the apron I made for Jenna that matches mine. She wears it when she bakes with her new Easy Bake Oven!

This is the scarf that I made for Jaron.
My favorite picture of the morning.
Jacob had to work Christmas night, so after we opened presents, he went to bed. I cooked a small ham for the kids and I. We had our "real" Christmas dinner on Sunday because Jacob was off that day. I cooked a prime rib, baked potatoes, burgundy mushrooms and a salad. It was delicious!

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