Friday, December 31, 2010


Here are some pictures of our Christmas celebration! We made sugar cookies and decorated them for Santa on Christmas Eve.
Jaron and Jenna got new matching pajama's on Christmas Eve.
Later that evening, I made peppermint popcorn and we watched "A Christmas Carol".
Christmas morning, Santa brought Jaron and Jenna some presents. This is the apron I made for Jenna that matches mine. She wears it when she bakes with her new Easy Bake Oven!

This is the scarf that I made for Jaron.
My favorite picture of the morning.
Jacob had to work Christmas night, so after we opened presents, he went to bed. I cooked a small ham for the kids and I. We had our "real" Christmas dinner on Sunday because Jacob was off that day. I cooked a prime rib, baked potatoes, burgundy mushrooms and a salad. It was delicious!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I know I said I would update our blog more often, but this was not the month to do it. We have been super busy. So, I'll share some pictures for now. Jaron and Jenna got their own trees to decorate.

We took Christmas card pictures.

Went to Winter in the Woods at Turtle Bay and made crafts and saw Santa and Mrs. Claus.

Went to a party at the Lake Club where we decorated cookies and made crafts.

I made myself a super cute Christmas apron.

Jacob helped Jaron build a gingerbread house at school.

We went to the RPD Christmas party.

Jenna had her Dance performance at the Cascade Theatre.

During all this, I've still made time to run and I've lost 10 pounds! We wish you all a very Merry Christmas!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

I know it has been forever since I posted anything. I am sorry, but I just haven't been on the computer as much as I used to. So, I will try to do a quick update with as many things as I remember. I will start with Jenna's birthday. She turned 4 in July. We celebrated at Logan's for dinner and then back home to do presents and cake. We did just a family birthday party this year.

Next, Jaron started 2nd grade in August. I can't believe how fast he is growing up. He is doing awesome at school. His teacher loves him! When we had our conference, she said he is super sweet, friends with everyone, and works really hard.
Jaron also started back up with soccer. He had lots of fun and made some new friends.
The beginning of September, we went to Burney Falls and hiked around the falls. It was so fun! I can't wait to do it again!

Jaron also tuned 7 in September. His birthday was a family only party as well. We went to Outback for dinner and back home for presents and cake. We spoiled him this year and got him a Nintendo dsi xl. He loves it! So do mom and dad!

October of course, we celebrated Halloween! We went to the pumpkin patch. I love going to the pumpkin patch. We went on a tractor ride, train ride, corn maze, Jaron and Jenna rode a horse and got their face painted. My favorite part is the food, of course! We had pizza, pulled pork sandwich, corn on the cob, kettle corn, pumpkin pie, caramel apples and hot chocolate. We did not eat that all at once. We were there for over 5 hours and it was all worth it!

Jaron and Jenna were Superman and Supergirl for Halloween. They looked so cute together! We went trick-or-treating and scored big time! We only went on one street and the kids buckets were full. And with the good stuff! Mostly chocolate! Needless to say, we have been in a sugar coma the last week. I hate the throw it away, but it just might have to come to that.

I have started running. It is hard. Every time I got out for a run, I am able to go a little longer. I have lost a little weight. The most exciting thing is a couple weeks ago I went to get a new pair of jeans. I was able to buy a size smaller than I usually do! I was so excited. Every time I'm sitting on the couch and not wanting to go exercise, I just think of my super cute new jeans and I'm out the door!

I will try to do better at keeping the blog update now that I'm caught up.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th!

We hope everyone is having a safe and fun holiday weekend. The kids and I went to Old Navy the other day to pick up some of their $5 t-shirts. Jenna found a super cute outfit that I couldn't resist getting for her. We came home and washed it. I fixed her hair and we went outside to take pictures. Since her birthday is in a couple weeks I thought it was a great time to get some pictures of her for her birthday. Here are some of my favorites.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Jenna's Dance Rehearsal and Performance

Last week was crazy busy. We had something to do every day. Monday was Jaron's soccer party. The kids had a lot of fun. Jaron's coach made shadow boxes for all the players instead of giving them trophy's. It is very special.

Tuesday, I had to go to Tehema County Court House for an interview to become a grand juror. Not something I want to do. I received a questionnaire in the mail a few months ago that I had to fill out. Then, I got another one about having to be at the court house last week. Then, to ruin my weekend I got another letter saying I have to be there again on Tuesday June 29 for further questioning. It started with 60 people, from there the judge picked 30. Out of the 30, he will pick 19. My odds are not good right now that I won't get picked.

Wednesday we had Jenna's dance rehearsal. We had to be at the Convention Center at 9am. Jenna's class danced to "I like to move it" from the movie Madagascar. The girls' costumes had monkey faces on the front and the boys were dressed as lions.

Jenna had another dress rehearsal on Thursday morning and then the performance that evening. Before the show started Sonya, Jenna's dance teacher, handed out trophy's to some of the dancers. Jacob and I were both surprised when Jenna's name was called to get a trophy of "Potential Plus". It means that Sonya sees a lot of potential in Jenna as a dancer. At intermission, Jacob and I went up to the lobby to get the flowers we ordered for Jenna. We also ordered her a necklace that has her name engraved on it and C.D.C. (California Dance Co.) When we gave her the necklace and flowers she got a little teary eyed and was so thankful. It was the sweetest thing to see her so appreciative. We couldn't be any more proud of her!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

School's Out!

Wow! I had no idea it had been so long since I posted on our blog. We have been pretty busy with the end of school and we are getting ready for Jenna's dance performance next week. Anyway, last week we went on a field trip with Jaron's class to Turtle Bay. It was really fun. Jacob was able to come, too. This week has been super fun. Monday was "Camp Day", Tuesday was "Hawaiian Day", Wednesday was "Sport Day" and today was "Spirit Day". I helped out on Monday like usual. It was a laid back day. The kids did camping themed work. At my station, we got to make campfire snacks. It was a rice cake with peanut butter spread on top, raisin for rocks, pretzels for logs and strawberry jelly for fire. The kids really liked it. They were even willing to try the things they didn't like. I helped out yesterday, too. All the kindergarten and 1st grade classes got to go around to different stations outside and play games. I was at the bowling station. Jaron really enjoyed having me there.

I took a picture of Jaron this morning for the last day of school so, I thought I would do a comparison from the first day and the last day.

First Day

Last Day

Tuesday evening Jaron's class had a farewell play. Ms. Brown also handed out awards to each student. Jaron's award was for reading chapter books. He was the first one in his class to start reading chapter books and he read them very easily. He always scored high on his reading tests. We couldn't be more proud of him. He is such a smart boy.

Jenna has a dance performance next week. So we will be pretty busy until that is over with. I will have lots of pictures to share.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The day has finally come

Today is the day I've been dreading for the last 3 months. Jacob will be going back to work. It has been wonderful having him home all this time. We have had so much fun and gotten a lot done around the house. He truly is my best friend and I love him so much. We are both going to have a rough week adjusting. I'm sure Jaron and Jenna are going to have a hard time, too. Since it has been so long since I've posted I thought I would tell you what's been going on for the past month.

For Easter, we went to Fresno to spend it with Jacob's family. We had a great time. On Saturday we went to the zoo. It was fun, but I think the kids liked the snacks better than the animals. Jacob was so excited to get some pink popcorn and share it with the kids. That was one of his favorite things about going to the zoo when he was a kid.

When we got home, we got started on Jenna's room. We painted two walls bright pink and two walls white. We are still waiting for the furniture. We should have it by the end of the week or beginning of next. As soon as it is done I will post before and after pictures.

Last week, Jaron's school put on their spring music performances. The whole first grade performed together. Jaron was cracking us up. He was making faces the whole time. I asked him after why he was making faces and he said, to make me laugh. Well it sure worked. I love that boy!

Friday was Mother/Son game night at the school. Jaron and I had a blast. We played games together and ate dinner there, pizza and cake! Yum!
Saturday after Jaron's soccer game, Jacob and I left for Sacramento. Jacob was given another California Hero award from MADD for arresting 106 DUI's last year. I am so proud of him. He is awesome at finding drivers under the influence! We really enjoyed the dinner. Afterwards, we changed our clothes and walked through Old Sacramento for a bit. Then, Sunday morning we got up and had breakfast. Then we went to Roseville and spent the day shopping at the mall. We were able to get lots of new clothes for the summer for Jaron. He has outgrown almost everything from last summer and the beginning of school. I'm going to have to stop feeding that kid! He is going to be taller than me in no time.
Jacob's mom came up to watch Jaron and Jenna for us. They had lots of fun with Grandma. When I got home from helping out in Jaron's classroom yesterday, she taught me how to make pajama shorts for Jaron and Jenna. They turned out really cute. I will take pictures of them after they are washed and Jaron and Jenna are wearing them. I love sewing! My next project is to make myself an apron. Have a great week!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Jenna's Pillow

I finished Jenna's pillow today. It is so cute. She loves it! She carried it around with her all day. She even took it in the car when we went to Wal-Mart. She even posed for pictures with her pillow.