Saturday, January 31, 2009

Guitar Hero World Tour

With our Nintendo Wii, we also bought a Guitar Hero ® World Tour game. Oh my goodness. It is so much fun. Jacob is good at the guitar and drums. I am ok on the guitar and horrible on the drums. I can only imagine how I look while playing. I have absolutely no rhythm on them. In the middle of playing I burst our laughing because I know I must look ridiculous. It doesn't matter though, because we are having so much fun. Jenna likes to hold the microphone and sing. Jaron also likes to play the drums and guitar.

Also, we have been without furniture for about 3 weeks now. In November we bought a new set from Ashley Furniture. They said it would take 6-8 weeks. It has been about 9 weeks and is going to be another 2-3 weeks. But, it has given us the opportunity to have our carpets cleaned without a bunch of furniture to move around. Last week we picked out curtain for our living room. That was a lot of fun. They are red. Real red. I will post pictures when we get them hung.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

We're Back

It has been a crazy last couple of weeks. Last week our computer crashed. We called Dell tech support and they told us that since our warranty had expired they wouldn't help us unless we renewed our warranty for $160. I told them that we were having the same problem we had 6 months ago and that it should be covered since it was the same issue. They still wouldn't help us. So, we took it to a local computer repair shop. Guess what? The exact same problem we had 6 months ago. Oh well. We will not be buying from Dell anymore. They are horrible. Their customer service is ridiculously bad and the computer that we've had for only a little over a year is a piece of poo.

Today, I had to take Jaron and Jenna to the doctor. Jenna has bronchitis and Jaron has a raging ear infection. Jenna did not like going to the doctor. She screamed and kicked the whole time we were in the office.

After the doctor, we went to Raley's to get everything we need for Super Bowl Sunday. I am going to make tacos, salsa, spinach dip, a vegetable platter, cheesecake lemon squares and some brownies with cookie dough on top. Mmmmm delicious. I can hardly wait to try the brownies.

A couple weeks ago, Jacob and I decided to treat ourselves to a new toy. We went to Best Buy and bought a Nintendo Wii. Oh my gosh! It is so much fun. We also bought the Wii Fit to go with it. That is really fun, too. I've already lost 5 lbs.

Hopefully everything will start to calm down and I can post regularly again. I will have some pictures of the kids, soon.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

She's a big girl now

It's official, Jenna is no longer a baby. We decided today that she was ready for a toddler bed. So, we moved the crib out, and put her big girl bed in. She was so excited. She layed down as soon as it was made.

The last couple days, I have been going through all the baby clothes, toys, and things that Jaron and Jenna have out grown so we can donate them. A truck is going to pick everything up tomorrow. We are also donating our couch, love seat, and recliner because we bought a new set the day after Thanksgiving. Our new furniture won't be here for 2 more weeks. It is going to be weird not having any furniture in the living room. We are also donating the crib. It is kind of sad. That is where our babies slept. We are pretty sure we won't need it anymore.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year

I have been sick this last week. Jacob has Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday's off. He had to take care of Jaron and Jenna because I was stuck on the couch. I've had no energy. Jacob and Jaron put together one of his presents. They did the dinosaur curator project. They both had a lot of fun doing it.

Tuesday, we took Jaron and Jenna roller skating. Jaron is getting a lot better. One of the employees gave us some tips. He was doing really good after that. Jenna enjoyed it, too. She wasn't scared at all. We had to hold her up the whole time, but she'll get the hang of it in no time.

On New Year's Eve, we were in bed by 9:30. Jaron woke up coughing just before midnight, and then threw up. What a way to start the new year. He is feeling much better now. Yesterday, we just relaxed around the house. Jaron and Jenna played with some of their new toys. I hope everyone had a great New Year.