Saturday, November 29, 2008

Party ExtraordinAIR

This morning I took Jaron and Jenna to Party ExtraordinAIR. For those of you who don't know, it is a big building with lots of different jump houses in it. They also have rooms to have birthday parties. Anyway, Jaron loves going there. He had so much fun. Jenna was not that into it. Santa was there and she was scared of him. Then, she didn't want to go on any of the jump houses. She was more into playing on the race car video game. When we left, I asked Jaron what he wanted to do next. Of course he said he wanted McDonalds. We went through the drive through on our way home. When we got home we layed a blanket out on the floor of the living room to have a picnic. While having our picnic, Home Alone was on. It was a great day! Here are a few pictures......

Friday, November 21, 2008

While on my way to take Jaron to school this morning, a green van came up behind us. It came up pretty fast, so I kept an eye on it. Going down the first hill, she drifted into the other lane. Thank goodness no one else was coming up the hill, because she would've crashed right into them. So, continuing down the hill and around a sharp curve she did it again, this time a car was in that lane but it got out of the way in time. I called 911. I knew she had to be on something. I talked to the 911 dispatcher the whole way down Lake Ca. Drive. The green van kept driving down the middle of the road and on the wrong side. I was so scared she was going to hit someone. She almost hit every car that passed us. The dispatcher asked if I could get her license plate, but I couldn't see it because she was behind me. I finally decided to pull over and let her pass us. She almost side swiped us as she did, but luckily she didn't, and I was able to get her licence plate number. I followed her the rest of the way out. She turned into the Texaco gas station. I told the dispatcher where she went and that I had to take my son to school so I couldn't help anymore. After dropping Jaron off and on my way back home I drove back by the gas station. Two police officers were there with her and giving her field sobriety tests. I pulled in and let them know that I was the one that called 911. They took my information and I went back home. Jacob was pretty proud of me. He was teasing me that I had 1 DUI arrest for the year. (He has over 80 arrests for the year). It felt good to know that I helped get a dangerous person off the road.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Thanksgiving Prep Day 1

Today I spent most of the day getting ready for Thanksgiving. I am hosting Thanksgiving dinner for our families this year. I am super excited about it! I love cooking and sharing it with people. So, today, I dusted, cleaned the cushions on the couches, and Jacob touched up some of the paint that had been chipped off. I also made the grocery shopping list and made sure I had all my recipes. Tomorrow I plan on cleaning the stove, doing the self clean on the oven, and cleaning the microwave.

This afternoon Jacob went to Costco for me. I gave him a list of everything we needed and he picked it up for me. Costco is such a chore, especially when you have to go with 2 children. He picked up one of their Caesar salads and some bread to have with the spaghetti I cooked for dinner. Their Caesar salads are delicious. We are becoming a total Costco family. We are having to buy a lot of stuff there. I can't even imagine what our grocery bill is going to be like when Jaron is a teenager.

Well, I am going to go watch Jaron and Jenna play "bam" with Jacob. It is one of their favorite things to do in the evening when Jacob is home. For those of you who don't know, "bam" is our family's version of wrestling that takes place in our living room. Jacob always gets ganged up on, but he loves it and so do the kids. Hearing the three of them laugh is one of the best sounds!

Monday, November 17, 2008


Every Monday I help out in Jaron's classroom. It is really a lot of fun. All the kids in Jaron's class are so cute! Part of what I do is help out when they do stations. The children are divided into 4 different groups. Each group works at a different level. My station is the green table and I always have the advanced group first. Today, Jaron came to my table first with the advanced group. I didn't even know he had been moved up. I said "Buddy, I think you're at the wrong table." He said, "No, Mom, I'm in this group now." I am so proud of him. All that homework and practicing his reading, numbers, and sight words has paid off! Mrs. Ritter also has me read a story to the class so she can pull other students aside and test them. Every Monday the students write in their journals, she also has me pass out the journals and we talk about what they did over the weekend. Today she gave me a great compliment. Mrs. Ritter said, " I wish you were here every day." It made me feel so good. I'm so glad I can be there to help out. So, thank you Jacob for making it possible for me to stay home and be there for Jaron and his class. I appreciate you so much!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

A Birthday Party

Today we went to a birthday party for one of Jaron's classmates. While getting ready to go, Jaron asked me why he hasn't lost any teeth yet. I told him they just aren't ready to come out. Then Jaron said "are they still packing?". That kid cracks me up. He thinks his teeth are moving out, so they need to pack. Anyway, the birthday party was really fun. I was able to meet a few of the mom's of students in Jaron's class. It was nice to be able to share different things about the class.

Jacob is working tonight, so I am going to cuddle up on the couch with Jaron and Jenna and watch The Wizard of Oz. One of my favorite movies. I hope everyone has a great rest of the weekend!

Friday, November 14, 2008

About us

I have been inspired. I have enjoyed reading different blogs for the last couple months. This evening I decided to give it a try. So, here is a little bit about us. I am a stay at home mom of two wonderful children. Jaron and Jenna. Jaron is 5, he started kindergarten this year. That was totally stressful for Jacob and I. Jaron loves it. A few weeks ago, he started riding the bus home. He kept asking to ride it, and I told him mommy picks you up from school. Then after Jacob and I discussed it, we decided that if he asked again, we would give it a try. Sure enough, he asked. He loves it. Every day I ask him if he wants to ride the bus home and he does.

Jenna is 2 years old, and boy can she be terrible! She is a complete joy, though. She can be so sweet one minute, and then all of sudden she does something bratty. She had a big a change to get used to when Jaron started kindergarten. Jaron and Jenna always played together and when he started school, she lost her buddy. When we pick Jaron up at the bus stop, she almost knocks him over with hugs. It is pretty adorable. She is definitely a girly girl. She loves playing with her babies. She pushes them around in their stroller while carrying a purse on her shoulder. She always says she's going to Wal-Mart. It is so cute. She also loves shoes. What girl doesn't?

Jacob is a great husband and father. About 3 years ago, he was finally able to fulfill his dream of becoming a police officer. He loves his job and is great at it. Right now he is assigned to the traffic unit as 1 of 2 DUI officers. His job is to get people driving under the influence off the streets. He enjoys doing this because he makes a difference as soon as he arrests that drunk driver. Some nights he arrests as many as 3 DUI's. I am so proud of him.

Well, that is just a little bit about us. There will be much more to come.