Monday, October 26, 2009

Halloween Fun!

Jacob and I have been volunteering for MADD (mother's against drunk driving). Friday night at the aquatic center in Redding was the Spooky Lagoon. It is a haunted house set up around the pool and you go through it in boats. Pretty creepy. Anyway, MADD needed help handing out candy and pamphlets. So, I volunteered to help. While I was helping, Jacob took the kids around to the different games, and they were able to go trick-or-treating. It was a lot of fun. The kids wore their costumes, and I dressed up, too. I haven't dressed up in years. Jaron wore his snake eyes costume. (A character from the GIJoe movie). He looked super cute. Jenna wore her Snow White costume. She was beautiful. She is the perfect Snow White. I was a pirate. It was really fun to dress up.

Yesterday, we carved our pumpkins. Jaron and Jenna did a great job helping to clean out the pumpkin guts. Jaron wanted an Iron Man pumpkin and Jenna wanted a princess Jasmine pumpkin. They turned out really well.

Since Jaron is missing his two front teeth, we thought it would be fun to paint his face like a pumpkin. It is pretty funny. Of course, since Jaron had his face painted, Jenna had to have her face painted, too. Here are pictures of Jack-o-Jaron and Jack-o-Jenna.

On Wednesday, I'm taking Jenna to Barnes & Noble for storytime dressed in her costume. They do a parade throught the store after reading some books to the kids. It is really cute to see all the young kids in their costumes. On Friday, I am going to Jaron's classroom all day to help out in the morning and be there for their Halloween party in the afternoon. I'm sure it will be lots of fun. I will post more pictures later in the week.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Another Lost Tooth

Jaron lost another tooth on Saturday. Jaron and Jenna were playing and they ran into each other and it knocked the tooth right out. He looks so stinking cute missing his two front teeth. I hoped it would last until Christmas, you know, "All I want for Christmas are my two front teeth". But the other one is already starting to come in. Oh well. I will enjoy it while I can. Just looking at him cracks me up. Here are before and after pictures.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

Yesterday we took the kids to the pumpkin patch. It was a good day for it. It was a bit cold and cloudy. When we got there we read the sign that said how much it would cost to play and ride the train and do some other fun things. It was going to be $10 each. We thought that was a bit over priced, but we wanted the kids to have fun. So, we went in. The lady told us that the only part that is open during the week was the pumpkin patch. We were so ok with that. The kids had a great time! Jaron saw one of his classmates, Ashlei. She is a cute girl. She was chasing Jaron and Jaron kept wanting to catch up to her when we were ready to leave. It was pretty cute. Another thing I love about the pumpkin patch is taking pictures. It is such a perfect setting for pictures. I love the colors and of course being outside. Here are some of my favorites.