Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Jenna's Last Dance Class

Wednesday night was Jenna's last dance class for the summer session. Her regular teacher's son was sick, so they had a different teacher. Jenna does not do well with change. She wouldn't participate until they were done with the tap dancing. Then, I was able to convince her to dance. Classes start back up in September. We will definitely be putting her back in. She really loved it.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Dance Class

Jenna had her dance class last night. She is still loving it and doing really good. One of her birthday presents was a new tutu. She wore it to class. Here are a couple really cute pictures.

Jenna's Birthday Party

Tuesday we celebrated Jenna's Birthday. We went to Red Robin for dinner. She enjoyed some macaroni and cheese with cantaloupe. They employees sang "happy birthday" to her and she hid behind her chair. It was pretty cute. They also brought her a hot fudge sundae. Then after dinner, it was time to go to her party.

At the Sweet Spot, they have a wall painted with chalk board paint. They had written "Happy Birthday Jenna" on the wall. When all the guests arrived, the kids went out front and blew bubbles and drew on the sidewalk with chalk. Then it was time to go inside and make cookies. The cookie dough was already made. Each child got a purple, pink, and green cookie dough ball. They were able to shape it however they wanted and put different candies and sprinkles on them. When they were done playing with the dough, it was taken back to the oven to bake.

Next, they were each served a small cup of gelato. After that, each child was given a small and regular size cupcake to decorate. They put their own frosting, sprinkles, and candies on them. Needless to say by this point the kids were on a serious sugar high. It was still very fun.

We had also ordered a cake the was in the shape of a giant cupcake. While the cake was being served, to adults only, Jenna opened her presents. She had a great time. It was a really fun birthday party for her.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Happy 3rd Birthday Miss Jenna

Yesterday was Jenna's 3rd Birthday. The night before I stayed up until after midnight blowing up balloons and decorating so she would wake up to her "party". She was very excited when she woke up and saw the decorations. For breakfast, I cooked chocolate chip pancakes with a banana smiley face and chocolate syrup for hair. She loved them and ate them all up.

After breakfast we cleaned up around the house. My parents came over about 2pm. They got Jenna the cutest furniture for her baby dolls. It is white wood with pink blankets. So cute! She has been playing with it a lot. They also got her a new Barbie and some clothes.

Then Jacob's mom got here. We visited for a little bit, then we started dinner. I bbq'd chicken legs and pork chops. Pork chops are Jenna's favorite food and we fixed her macaroni and cheese, another of her favorites. For the adults, we also made a summer salad and squash. It was delicious.

Then Jenna opened up her presents from us, and Jacob's mom. Jaron got her a princess fishing pole, so the next time we go, she will have her own pole. Jacob and I gave her a new pair of Mary Jane style crocs. We also gave her a Caboodle filled with nail polish, bath stuff, lotions, and lip glosses. She loves having her nails painted. Grandma gave Jenna a birthday Barbie doll, Barbie clothes and storage cases for her Barbie's. She also gave her some cute dresses from The Children's Place.

Instead of cake, for dessert we made ice cream sundaes. We put 3 candles in it and sang "Happy Birthday". It was a wonderful birthday, Jenna had so much fun and loved all her presents.

Tuesday we are having her birthday party at the Sweet Spot. It is a cupcake shop. The kids get to decorate a cupcake and a cookie. It should be very fun.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

What a week

On Monday morning, when Jacob got home from work, we went fishing at the pond in Lake Ca. We all had so much fun. Jaron got 2 fish all on his own. Jenna enjoyed it, too! She caught 1 fish.

We came back home and got ready to go grocery shopping while Jacob went to bed. We went to Trader Joe's, WinCo and CostCo. We came back home and I unloaded everything and put it away. By that time, Jacob had woken up. He was in a lot of pain. At first, we thought it was a bladder infection. His pain became even worse. We decided that it might be kidney stones. I took him to the emergency room. They gave Jacob a CT scan and sure enough, it was a kidney stone. We got back home a little after midnight. The urologist called Jacob on Tuesday and told him he had to have x-ray's done on Wednesday. So, we went to town on Wednesday so Jacob could have an x-ray and meet with the urologist. The dr. found that the stone had not moved and they are going to have to use ultra sound to break it up. The bad thing is that he is having this done next Tuesday, the same day as Jenna's birthday party.

Jenna had her dance class last night, she did 100% better. She had so much fun and did really well. I took a few video's using our camera.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Photoshop Editing

I have been taking a free online photo editing class offered by Grow Your Skills. I have been learning so many new techniques for editing our pictures. We have had Photoshop Elements for a couple years and Jacob and I haven't known how to use it. I am really excited about how the pictures I've edited have turned out, so I wanted to share them with you.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Jenna's 1st Dance Class

Today, Jenna had her very first dance class. She has been so excited about it. We took her yesterday to buy her tap shoes for the class. She wore them the rest of the day after we got home. She was practicing in the kitchen. It was so adorable. So today, I put her down for her nap. I think she was too excited to sleep, she kept coming out of her room and trying to play with Jaron. I told her she needed a nap before her dance class. Well, she wouldn't take one. It was time to leave, and sure enough, she fell asleep in the car on the way to dance lessons. She woke up when we got there and still seemed excited. The class started and she refused to participate. They started with their tap shoes on. Jenna was complaining that it was too loud. They finished tap dancing, and took their shoes off. Jenna decided she wanted to dance now. Thank goodness. She was really getting into it. They played cute dance games. Every now and then, something would set her off and she would come sit back down. I had to keep talking her into going back. When she was out on the dance floor she was having so much fun. They did a little jazz, and some hip-hop. It is the cutest thing seeing 2 - 4 year old little girls doing hip-hop. I know next week will be so much better now that she knows what to expect. Here are some cute pictures.