Sunday, April 3, 2011

Soccer Is Back!!

Wow! I can't believe it is already April. March was another super busy month. Jaron and Jenna started soccer back up. This is Jenna's first season. She is still taking dance lessons. Her class is getting ready for their June performance. Her class is dancing to the song, Born to be Wild. They are riding their scooters. It is so cute. I will try to take a video and get it posted soon. We celebrated Jacob's birthday, our 8th wedding anniversary and 12 years together. Jacob was awarded another MADD California Hero Award in Sacramento. Jaron had another amazing report card! We couldn't be any more proud of him! He is doing so well in school! I've still been running, 3 days a week. I'm up to 5 miles. It is crazy that I can run that far. I've also been doing a kettlebell workout a few times a week. It is killer. I'm sore for days after. The biggest news we have from last month is that we registered Jenna for kindergarten. It is very sad and exciting. I know she will love it, but we are going to miss her so much. This is the Meyer lemon white chocolate cheesecake I made for Jacob's birthday! Last weekend were the first soccer games of the season. Jaron's was at 9 and Jenna's at 9:30. It was so fun, but a little stressful trying to watch both games. They both played really well. We had to remind Jenna a couple times that this was soccer, not dance. I think she thought all the people sitting on the sidelines wanted to see her dance moves. Jenna is all registered for kindergarten. She got her shots last month and all her paper work is filled out. She is super excited. At least Jacob and I have about 4 more months to prepare ourselves.

Jacob received another award from MADD. Last year he was off work until September. He made 65 DUI arrests in a 3 month period. I am so proud of him. To date he has 64.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am so proud of you and your little are a very good mother and I enjoy your updates. I hope we get to see you one day. - Aunt Geri